In 2013 Cristina founded “Riso Buono”, creating two rice varieties that became wild cards winning first place among the best rice in Italy. Her Artemide rice is also an absolute novelty, a variety of black rice that crosses Venere & Indica, it amazes the market with its long & narrow grain, the large number of polyphenols & surprising antioxidant virtues.
Intuition awakens when one goes far from the big cities, life gains a new quality. It’s wonderful when you leave the rest behind, at least for a few days. It happens to Cristina each time she leaves London or Rome & her husband & son for a couple of days returning to the farm at Casalbeltrame, to smell the earth, drive her beloved tractor. Cristina who was not so long ago an entrepreneur in real estate has regenerated herself as an agricultural entrepreneur. La Mondina is a sustainable company, a circular economy where all by-products are reused, attentive to the concept of zero waste!