Dr Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire

An teideal garbh ná                                                                      ‘Telling the story of Irish Food History: A Companion’ #fote2023

Dr Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire is an award-winning chef, educator, food historian, broadcaster and ballad singer. A senior lecturer at Technological University Dublin, he co-founded and chairs the biennial Dublin Gastronomy Symposium (2012- present), and chairs the Masters in Gastronomy and Food Studies (2017 – present) in TU Dublin. He co-edited ‘Tickling the Palate’: Gastronomy in Irish Literature and Culture (Peter Lang: 2014), ‘The Food Issue’ of The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies (2018), and in 2021, Máirtín guest-edited a special issue of Folk Life on Irish food ways. In 2018, he presented an eightpart television series for TG4 called Blasta, celebrating Ireland’s food heritage. irtín currently co-edits the European Journal of Food Drink and Society. In 2021, and 2022 he was awarded a Research Ally Prize by the Irish Research Council. He is currently completing his second PhD and co-editing Irish Food History: A Companion (EUT+ Academic Press: 2023 forthcoming) with Dr Dorothy Cashman.