Joshna Maharaj is a chef, a two-time TEDx speaker, & activist who wants to help everyone have a better relationship with their food. She believes strongly in the power of chefs & social gastronomy to bring values of hospitality, sustainability & social justice to the table.
Recently, Joshna has been working with hospitals & universities in Toronto to build new models for institutional food procurement, production and service. She will release her first book in May 2020. Entitled Take Back the Tray, the book captures the lessons and experience from her work to create a shareable blueprint for changing institutional food systems around the globe.
Joshna is a regular guest on CBC Radio, a passionate public speaker, and she co-hosts a food podcast called the Hot Plate.
Take Back the Tray is a movement to reconnect food with health, wellness, education, and rehabilitation in public institutions around the globe. And it’s a story about how a chef took on the institution and tried to make change.
Social Media Links:
@joshnamaharaj, @takebackthetray, @hotplatepod