Sophie Healy Thow

‘Demanding Our Place, Young People in Food Systems’

Sophie is Global Youth Campaigns Coordinator for GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition). She founded Act4Food, a global youth led campaign aiming to transform food systems, mentioned in Forbes magazine & is being implemented globally. Sophie serves on the Board of the charity ActionAid UK & the Emergency Nutrition Network. She was appointed by United Nations Secretary general as Lead Group member of the UNs Scaling Up Nutrition Movement & was co-chair of the UNs Food Systems Summit Youth Liaison group. Sophie is one of 10 women leaders featured in Disney book ‘Choose to Matter’ which encourages young women to find the leader within & was recognised by TIME magazine as one of the most influential teens. She was awarded 2024 Global Citizen prize & named by Food Tank as a Young Person Inspiring Change Across the Food System; she spoke at the Nobel Peace Prize, EAT Lancet 2.0 launch at Stockholm +50, COP28 & has made a TEDx talk titled ‘Food Security, Everybody’s Business’.